There are four main channels most used for marketing and promoting any NFT project. Those are Telegram, Discord, Reddit, and Twitter. All of these platforms give you incredible reach to other NFT enthusiasts and have a lot of opportunities for building and engaging directly with your community. Twitter stands above the other channels as the biggest social media platform related to NFTs and crypto, as most of the NFT community is on Twitter, so investing in NFT Twitter marketing is a must-do for new NFT projects.
The last six months have been truly extraordinary. People were selling out their brand new NFT projects with just a semi-working landing page and an announcement tweet. That, however, will not work anymore. The first hype has calmed down and people are no longer frantically trying to get a hold of any NFT that releases. Buyers are smarter and more calculated now. You need to truly put time and effort into developing and promoting your project. For the best results, both are needed.
Your project’s collection needs to have actual value for the buyer and that needs to be paired with a killer marketing plan. As mentioned, almost all of the NFT community is actively using Twitter, which is exactly why mastering NFT Twitter marketing can go a long way and do a lot for you. In this article, we’re laying out the core strategies to use in your Twitter NFT marketing campaign.
Take Twitter Seriously
When asking what goes behind Twitter NFT marketing, the go-to answer is to really use the platform. Tweet. Tweet a lot. More than you think you need to. The more valuable content you can put out there, the more will people want to follow you and then want to join your community by purchasing your NFT. Make a long-term commitment with yourself to invest your energy into growing on Twitter. If you’re not getting any traction yet, keep going!
While the NFT community is a big one, in the bigger scheme of things, crypto and NFTs are still a very niche topic. Because of this, the community is very close and connected, making it easier to spark conversation and develop new relationships.
If you’re not sure where to start, bounce around these ideas for engaging the NFT community on Twitter:
- Mention other (popular) pages in your content.
- Like and engage with others’ content.
- Reply to viral tweets from bigger influencers in the NFT community
- Retweet relevant content. Plus points if you add additional value to it yourself in a Quote Tweet.
- Aim to start a conversation or discussion.
- Message accounts you wish to work together with.

Buy Twitter Followers & Engagement
People want to belong and they have a fear of missing out on amazing things. It’s hard to invoke either desire if you don’t yet have a big community to belong to. That’s why buying Twitter followers and engagement is the answer to NFT Twitter Marketing. While you may not have heard of it much, it’s a known secret for how big projects got their start with NFT Twitter Marketing.
If you’ve ever wondered, how big projects run their Twitter NFT marketing and how they quickly went from zero to tens and hundreds of thousands of followers, buying followers is the answer. Realistic-looking NFT profiles with NFT profile pictures, NFT-related bios and tweets as followers will make your project stand out and attract new people.
When you buy Twitter followers and engagement on your posts, your tweets will be shown under the top NFT-related hashtags. In addition to hashtags, your viral tweets will be shown on NFT enthusiasts’ Twitter home feeds. SocialPlug offers different services for buying Twitter followers and engagement on your posts in order to help you reach numbers that may seem impossible in a matter of days.

Paid Twitter Ads
There is no getting around Paid Twitter Ads when talking about Twitter NFT Marketing. A well-put-together Twitter NFT marketing campaign of paid ads can reach millions of people and help you grow your following on Twitter and also direct them to your private NFT Discord and/or Telegram group. Paid Twitter ads will show up on people’s home feed and if you have set up your campaign in the most optimal way, it will not feel like an ad at all, but rather something that truly belongs to the person’s home feed.
To make such an impression, it’s important to target the right audiences with your ads, which can be challenging. This is why we suggest that you work with a professional Twitter NFT Marketing Agency for paid Twitter ads. We recommend our partner, Coinboosts NFT & Crypto Marketing Agency. They have experience in growing multiple NFT Twitter profiles from 0 to 500k+, so you’ll definitely be in great hands.

Use Twitter Spaces
Twitter Spaces is more effective for engaging your community and strengthening the connection you have with your followers, but it is also a great way to grow your community, as Twitter Spaces can be joined by anyone. If your following is big enough, your Twitter Spaces will be pushed out to new Twitter NFT audiences and gives you a chance to bring them aboard too.
There are many ways to make use of Twitter Spaces. You can host your own Twitter Space to engage with your audience; Co-host with another creator to introduce yourself to their following and vice versa; Join larger discussions hosted by other NFT profiles and engage with the people there. All of them serve a purpose and should all be a part of your NFT Twitter marketing plan.

Use Threads
While singular tweets are quite limited in length, meaning that a lot of information can’t be pressed into one tweet, Twitter threads allow for complex ideas to be discussed. Twitter threads are a series of tweets that are posted consecutively under an initial tweet, linking them all together. They allow you to break down big pieces of information while still allowing you to dive deeper into the topic you decide to discuss. You can use threads to provide insight into your NFT project, share useful information about NFTs and other topics that will be useful for your followers, and make way for discussions about larger topics.
Threads are also a great magnet of engagement because a well-written value-packed thread will hook readers in and they will start to associate your profile with value. Research shows that Twitter threads help readers remember the information better, as they will be more focused when reading your specific thread instead of a single tweet in between other noise on the Twitter home feed.
The most important and most tricky part of threads is writing a great headline (the first tweet of the thread). The first tweet needs to spark interest in someone scrolling their home feed and also needs to make it clear, that more value is hidden in the thread under the initial tweet. Mastering writing Twitter threads will do wonders for your NFT Twitter marketing.

Collaborate With Other NFT Twitter Profiles
It’s a well-known truth that one can only get so far on their own. Working with other people is what helps us truly excel and grow to new heights. This is why Twitter collaborations with other NFT projects and NFT Influencers should be a cornerstone for any Twitter NFT marketing campaign.
As mentioned, the vast majority of the NFT community is on Twitter, which means that there are plenty of other NFT projects and thought-leaders that will be a perfect fit for you. Working together allows you to reach their audience by sharing content together, but can also benefit you outside of just marketing, as getting input on your project and marketing from others can be extremely valuable. Whatever makes sense for you and your partner, will work.
An NFT influencer can promote your NFT project on their page to their followers. As influencers usually have a lot more reach, your project will be exposed to new audiences that are bigger than any number of people you could reach on your own.
However, be ready, that finding the right person takes time and you will need to test how audiences react to you working with each other. If you want to make the process easier and guarantee success, we suggest working with a Twitter NFT Marketing Agency that offers NFT Collab services. Reach out to our partner if you’re interested in running a successful Twitter NFT collaboration.

Go Viral on Twitter
The biggest aim of any Twitter NFT marketing plan is to get your tweets in front of more people by going viral on Twitter. However, that may be easier said than done. Virality isn’t exactly clearly defined, as the standards for how much engagement is needed for a tweet to be considered viral, are subjective for every individual. That said, it is safe to say that no matter what your own definition of viral is, there are a few strategies that you can incorporate that will increase your chances of having one of your tweets explode in popularity.
A great tactic is to keep your tweets short. Twitter is already very focused on short-form content with its 280-character limit per tweet, which may be off-putting and limiting for some, especially beginners. However, research shows that tweets that are even shorter, on average around 110 characters long, actually have the highest chances of going viral and getting the most engagement. People want to be able to consume your tweets quickly.
In addition to keeping your tweets short, time your tweets. No matter how short or long your tweets are or how well-written they are, if there’s nobody around to read your tweets, they won’t get much engagement. Take a look at your Twitter analytics and find out when your followers are most actively engaging with your content. Post more around those times. Another option is to post at overall times of increased activity on Twitter. We cover those generally suggested times for tweeting and 8 other ways to go viral on Twitter in our article “How to Go Viral on Twitter”, but a good general rule for most time zones is to tweet around noon.
Funny tweets are the tweets that go viral the most. Content on the internet has been based around education and entertainment since its birth, and what is more entertaining than humor. We’re not at all saying that you need to make every tweet a joke from now on, but including some banter and lightheartedness can help you appear more reachable to your audience and increase your Twitter NFT marketing campaign’s engagement by a lot.

Twitter NFT marketing is an integral part of promoting your NFT project and reaching the people that want to join your community. We hope that you’ve found this article helpful and now have ideas as to how you should go about your NFT Twitter marketing. If you’re now considering buying NFT Twitter followers, then feel free to contact us, and together we can see what would be the best course of action to take for you.